Juneteenth: The Holiday We Gave Away

As a federal holiday, Juneteenth is giving Capitalism For White People Day. Folks who championed giving the sacred holiday federal status did so with good intentions. Still, the impact creates confusion and straight-up disrespect for Black Americans. Is it too late to protect the celebration that was once sacred?

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AHUS EditorialComment
The Unseen War in Chocó and Its Denied Racism

Since 2021, Colombia has faced an acute social crisis. Several unjust situations, including the pandemic, and poor management from current President Ivan Duque have resulted in the longest general strike the country has seen. From hospitals to streets, from roads to social media, people from Colombia were making their voices heard. One of the hardest moments in this social upheaval involved Afro-Colombian regions where it became clear that structural racism and government negligence would result in the death of many.

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Required Reading: Zora Neale Hurston’s Use of Black Language and Why it Matters Today

We live in a time where it is not uncommon to see AAVE (African American Vernacular, formerly Ebonics) handled indelicately. It’s nearly impossible to navigate the internet, or real life, for that matter, without seeing Black vernacular imitated, appropriated, memed, or mocked by non-Black people.

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AHUS Editorial Comments