My Dad, Tyre, & Me
By Tina Strawn (she/they)
I'm missing my dad today
And I hate whatever god separated him from me
talkin bout i'm an abomination
when i am love
talkin bout i'm backslidden and have been turned over to a depraved mind
when I am actually love
talkin bout he can't be in relationship with me because I'm queer
when I was born in love
talkin bout I must repent from my evil ways
when I am the embodiment of love
I wish I could talk to him like I used to, back when he used to love me before he found out I was gay…
Daddy I miss you
Did you see the news
Those white devils in Black and “Back the Blue” skin
Lynched a young Black man in Memphis
And it was caught on camera
And the house of whiteness
Warned everyone about it
Like they never saw the video of Rodney King being beaten,
Like they never saw the murder of George Floyd
Like they never saw Emmett Till laying dead and disfigured in his casket
And the media announced it like a fucking featured movie release
And many of us turned our backs instead of turning our eyes to consume more violence against our beautiful Black bodies
Yours, mine and Tyre's
Did you watch the video Daddy?
Remember when me and Marlana were very little?
You had to hire bodyguards because you received death threats due to your civil rights work in Pasadena
And the marches and protests you led
our lives
in danger
I remember the scrapbook Grandma Olivia kept of all the newspaper articles about you.
Speaking of racism. Boldly preaching about justice, equality, truth and reconciliation from your pulpit
The place where you pastored the oldest Black congregation in Palo Alto
I remember our Black History Month programs
Mom served faithfully by your side
the Director of Children's Education
I remember watching the choir march in
that little red church on the corner of East Kiest and Illinois Blvd in Oak Cliff
I remember when I got expelled from high school just weeks before my graduation
You showed up to defend me at my hearing at the Arlington ISD school board
And then again when I was pregnant with Adam and suffering from postpartum psychosis, and I spent 2 weeks in patient at that hospital in Fort Worth.
When I tried to check myself out AMA and the judge issued a restraining order to keep me there
you showed up to speak on my behalf, which led them to release me back home
to my husband, 3 year old Chelsea, and 1 year old Alexis
I can't help but to wish you would show up for me now
Even though I have no husband (and no wife anymore for that matter)
Even though I have locs and tattoos
And cuss a lot
And smoke a lot of weed
And share my bed with lovers of varying genders
I’ll never understand why your god cares so much about who I am fucking
or why can't I just ask you how you feel about what happened to Tyre
or how you feel about those Black cops
Not unlike the Black cops on the Dallas police force
When you started C.A.R.D. (Citizens Against Racism in Dallas)
Does your heart ache for Tyre and his family like mine does?
Daddy, I couldn’t take it anymore
So I left the Divided States of Amerikkka
I live in Costa Rica now,
In a studio pool house called Casita Colibri, which is Spanish for little hummingbird house
I live on lots of land, and there are two mango trees
I have no neighbors other than horses and cows
I have a cat that I named Alice Walker
it’s very peaceful here
the police don't bother us here
I like it and think I'll stay a while
If I wasn’t gay, would you come for a visit?
Daddy, do you remember when I called you, right after the officer that killed Philando Castille was acquited?
Remember how full of rage I was?
When you answered my call I was crying so hard that
I couldn't even get words out at first
That scared you
I finally let you know that me and the kids were okay.
nothing happened to us
Though, at the same time, we weren't ok
because nothing was ok that day
Just like nothing is ok today
Because they won't stop killing us
They just won't stop
You comforted me back then
soothed my aching heart like only a father could
I really needed that Daddy
I appreciate you for being there to hear my cries
If Mom were still alive
Perhaps she would disown me too
In the name of white Jesus
I just wish you could crawl down from that cross you’re strung up on
And let love loosen that religious noose around your neck and heart
And we could return to each other
Return to love
see one another’s holy humanity
In ways that the racist institutions of churches and policing
Won’t allow
I love me
And I love Tyre
And I love you
And I love Black people
maybe a futuristic kind of Black love
Can lead our Black bodies and Black hearts home to one another
I’ll be here waiting
loving on as many Black folx as I can
Cuz that feels like freedom to me
I just wish I could talk to you about Tyre
Who could’ve been the Black son you never had
Instead of the queer Black daughter that you did have
One day Daddy,
I believe we will all be free
You, and me
And all of us who look like Tyre