Slap Your Local Racist (Sweater)

Slap Your Local Racist (Sweater)


Slap your local racist because the red hats have replaced the white sheets and because it’s your civic duty.

Words inspired by Kashana Cauley

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Free Palestine Beanie (Written in Arabic)

slap bumper1.jpg slap bumper2.jpg

Slap Your Local Racist (Bumper Sticker)

from $5.00
F19308A6-142C-4651-A9FE-52D5CF3D7C0F 6AE79E79-9845-4252-A4B5-48718775D61E

SYLZ (Shirt)

from $40.00
4111127A-955D-43AF-8D74-22147DA75639 15BE772B-1941-4492-830B-E13B125E5665

Wash Yo Ass (Mask)

83BBEC8D-4939-4673-9474-2252653ADD69 6F58EE5B-2E85-4620-A4D3-A2F5D90E41CD

I Love Disrupting the Caucasian Aesthetic (Button)
