Para la mayoría de nosotros, el amor romántico se sitúa en la cima de una red de afectos jerarquizada. Como resultado, desplazaríamos amistades duraderas, sólidas y seguras, por cualquier pareja de meses. Además, estaríamos dispuestos a achacarle a una única persona todas nuestras necesidades emocionales, mentales y sexuales y, a veces incluso, las financieras. Aceptamos la jerarquía y el desplazamiento como parte del núcleo mismo del acto de amar. Dentro de este marco y dinámica, quiero reflexionar sobre el concepto de monogamia.
Read MoreFor many, romantic love sits at the top of a hierarchical network of interpersonal relationships. As a result, people replace long-lasting, solid friendships for romantic connections, making a single person carry our emotional, sexual, and sometimes even financial needs. We accept hierarchy and displacement as part of the very core of the act of loving. Within this framework and dynamic, I want to reflect on the concept of monogamy.
Read MoreUno de los mayores problemas que tienen que afrontar los negros latinos es el de cómo afrontar el racismo. Aquí en Colombia, la negación de que incluso el racismo pueda ser una realidad posibilita que ocurra públicamente, con mayor frecuencia en redes sociales, sin mucha oposición ni alarma.
Read MoreOne of the biggest problems that Black Latinos encounter is addressing racism. Here in Colombia, this denial allows racism to happen publicly and on social media more often without much response.
Read Moreif anyone asks,
yes. i’m plenty tired and mostly defeated.
carrying on feels difficult.
i am inside the body of a burned out Black woman
who no longer wishes to love.
Read MoreI recently heard Black men were planning to boycott Black Panther 2 if Shuri dons the Black Panther mantle. They even started a hashtag movement, #RecastTChalla, and a petition.
I wish I were surprised or disappointed, but I’m not.
Read MoreI am a bald, heavyset Black woman in a world where none of those attributes are valued. I've dealt with alopecia for several years, primarily by hiding it. Today, I feel liberated from the shame of baldness. But, like many bald and Black marginalized genders, I experience challenges to my self-image, beauty, and overall sense of self. It has everything to do with society.
Read MoreEveryday,
it seems to be a vicious cycle of
Acculturation classrooms,
Assimilation lessons,
And conformity schoolwork.
We don't dare walk around your building In our cultural clothings or
Bother with home cooked lunches to avoid Your sensitive noses.
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