In the words of Kelis, "I hate you so much right now"

Andy Mouse by Keith Haring

July 24, 2024. 

Today is my 4th Blaxit anniversary. But between Sonya Massey and Kamala Harris, I didn’t feel like celebrating a damn thing. 

Today is also my nephew Joshua’s birthday. If he had not been found hanging from a tree with his hoodie just three months ago in Stillwater, Oklahoma, he would have turned 26 years old. 

I wanted to write beautiful, meaningful words about this day… But July 24, 2024, is also the day that genocidal war criminal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was welcomed, embraced, and treated like a fucking hero on the floor of the United States Congress—the United Fucking States, that is complicit in Israel’s genocidal obsession with the ongoing occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. 

And just a few days ago, somewhere around $84 million was raised and given to the Democrats, a lil thank-you gift in honor of Genocide Joe stepping down from running for the Presidency and endorsing Kamala Harris

And I can’t fucking breathe…

Because when I scroll through my Instagram timeline, I see tons of Black people posting all manner of fundraisers, crowdfunding, GoFundMe’s, and the list goes on…

I see Palestinian families attempting to flee a literal genocide by raising money to save their real, not-figurative, lives.

So many people out here just need some financial help to survive day-to-day, month-to-month life in this late-stage capitalist empire that is falling.

But the government don’t got reparations money… 

And they don’t got end homelessness or end hunger money…

And they don’t got universal health care or cancel student debt money…

But they damn sure got money for bombs to drop on children and people praying in schools in Gaza…

And I just think it’s funny (and by funny, I mean, fucked up) that all of a sudden everybody’s got MILLIONS of dollars to give to the violent state. Instead of investing in our local communities, in mutual aid, in individuals and families, or small and Black-owned businesses, ya’ll gave hundreds of millions of dollars to THE DEMOCRATS?!?!

The layers and levels of you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

They/ya’ll really do hate US.

I just want someone to explain it to me like I’m a 5-year-old… Tell me again, how many HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS do you think it’s going to cost to keep Donald Trump out of the White House again? Because y’all believe that as long as Trump doesn’t become the next US President, Project 2025 is just going to just go away???

How many HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS do you think it will take to try and buy our way out of fascism and the fall of the empire? 

It’s like people think this is a fucking game. They want a daddy, or a mamala, so fucking bad. They need to get into some inner child therapy or get into kink and work that shit out. 


Too many people are having a hard time surviving. I hate what this flashy display of exorbitant riches thrown at the very state that oppresses us says to those of us who wake up every morning and hope, wish, and pray that we can stretch our few dollars to make it to our next payday. Considering the fact that experts say that 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and that 56% of Americans can’t afford a $1000 emergency expense, I just can’t be cool with these OnlyDemFans finding millions of “save the empire” money. Just fuck the rest of us, I guess. 

Though to be clear, I promise you that Kamala nor any Democratic or Republican politician or elected official is living paycheck to paycheck, especially as long as AIPAC is around to fund boff of em, and get rid of those who dare speak out against the settler colonial state of Israel like Cori Bush

The desire to remain comfortable in and with American imperialism by raising millions of dollars for Kamala Harris and counting goes beyond fear. It’s the symbolic and delusional Hail Mary to keep things exactly the way they are. Nothing changes. Nobody gets free. They fucking shoot us in the face, or hang us from trees with our own hoodies, and say we did it to ourselves. 

The only revolution most Americans (on both sides) seem ready for is one in which they can buy high-dollar Beyonce and Taylor Swift concert tickets, and brag about donating money to support the first Black and Indian woman running to be President of the racist, genocidal empire. 

Meanwhile, Democrats repeatedly prove and show y’all exactly who they are. One of the latest examples? Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsome signed an executive order banning homelessness… because homelessness is the number one killer of kids and teenagers in America? No. It’s not. Let me help you, that would be guns

When Hillary Clinton was running for President, the Republicans whined, “but her emails,” in an attempt to distract from and discredit her. Today, the Democrats whine “but Project 2025,” the latest distraction in hopes of covering up and hiding behind their lack of strategy.

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 And meanwhile, people starve and lose their homes, at home in the US and abroad. And Gaza is destroyed. 

Ya’ll could’ve raised those millions and millions and millions of dollars for Operation Olive Branch, or any other group working to save lives—the kind of lives that, once lost, cannot be brought back.

But no. Y’all give the people PENNIES while simultaneously paying your King and Oppressor handsomely and royally. 

While people in Sudan, the Congo, Tigray, Haiti…  And all across the globe are dying so Americans can be “free” in their special, little “democracy.” 

It’s very hard for me to describe what this particular brand of WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK feels like. 

There. Those are my beautiful fucking words. 

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