America: Fuck Your Free Speech

America is a machine designed for the outcomes it was programmed for. It was pre-wired for white supremacy and was fueled by capitalism to preserve racism, classism, oppression, and segregation. And what's most disappointing is that Americans are constantly spoon-fed rhetoric that America stands for things that it doesn't, whether it be our most "sacred" bullshit documents about how everyone is entitled to rights and the pursuit of happiness without any strings attached. And after decades, we find ourselves in another example of how America has once again failed to do what it says it stands for: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Supreme Court's recent decline to hear the case of Mckesson vs. Doe (for three states: Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas) could compromise the right to mass peaceful protests. It is no surprise that the subject of demonstrations comes to the forefront, as we're seeing beautiful examples of Columbia University students who are showing their outrage against the genocide in Palestine.  

Pun intended, but America hates us! It's racist, homophobic, ableist, sexist, and xenophobic. It hates how we walk, talk... the way we dress (never too soon for a Kendrick reference), and it's dedicated to dismantling anything that attempts to disrupt a heteronormative, white male agenda. 

Over the past month, Columbia University students and faculty have demonstrated peaceful protests by pitching tents on the main campus lawn, demanding “full transparency into Columbia's investments, divestment from companies that profit from Israeli apartheid, genocide, and occupation in Palestine," and amnesty for any protesters facing disciplinary action. Despite the consistent peaceful protests, the NYPD has spent nearly $200,000 on militarizing the protests at Columbia University. Why is there so much outrage over these demonstrations?

Student Protest 1960s. Via  

History Repeating Itself

For many people of color, the protests and the response to the protests have been reminiscent of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. Even though they're drastically different, the familiar response to the advocacy of fundamental rights is uncanny. Many have argued that the concern about the protests at Columbia University has to do with the aggression of protesters who remain "pro-Palestine in the war between Hamas and Israel." For this statement to be accurate, a war would have to be going on. The students at Columbia University aren't arguing that a war is going on; they know genocide when they see it and are demanding accountability at their institution, which is well within their rights.  

During the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, despite Jim Crow, segregation, and racism, to be "pro-Black" meant to be legally "anti-American." Black power posed a threat to America that was and still is programmed by white supremacy. And in many cases, anything that awarded any liberation to an individual that didn't fit within the heteronormative profile was perceived as a threat. The issue is the liberation and advancement of colored people never posed a threat to America, but it would only fulfill what it said it stood for. America claimed to be a "land of the free" and the "greatest nation on earth," but that was only true for those who said it was. 

The students at Columbia University who have put their academic careers on the line are in the same boat. They have held their nation accountable for enabling the genocide in Palestine to unfold and persist. They have been able to criticize the official narrative that perpetuates such injustice and stand up for human integrity and dignity. America doesn't give a fuck about free speech or protests that are equally done in peace or not. And they're willing to make an example out of anyone who wishes to test their patience. America is honoring its default programming and rendering anything that is in support of Palestinians having a right to life as antisemitic. And there is no way sensible, human-conscious citizens can reconcile this fact. 

The U.S. government's outrage at students protesting to hold their institution accountable for funding genocide seems absurd, especially when the students themselves provide these funds. It becomes even more bewildering when we consider that this institution is globally regarded as elite and is home to some of the most brilliant minds America proudly boasts of. This country expects excellence but demands compliance with any and all atrocities committed. In practical terms, speeches must be innocuous, protests must be inconsequential, and freedom of speech is considered a fundamental human right only when it serves capitalist agendas.

America isn't for Americans but for the select few white men in power. And any demonstration, protest, or advocacy attempt that appears to compromise white supremacy is seen as a threat to America as a whole.