Massa's House is Fallin'

time to infuse the revolution with faith
this plantation of a nation is in its death throes
throwing a violent fit
hitting us with everything at its fingertips
on its way out
this system can’t fight death
so it’s gonna try and fight us instead

Massa’s house is falling
the field is part flood
part fire
don’t go in any deeper
this chaos is just the cover we need to get free
dream past surviving this round of the game
dream to JeJu island
find our promised land
let it fall
leave it to fall
facing true north
the desires of your soul

moving in faith
sitting with fear
facing your desires
honoring your intuition
leap and the nets will appear
Take this compass to freedom land

time to infuse the revolution faith
move with the god in you
not that god out there
that’s theirs
that recession is theirs
our bag come from the unseen
that is not theirs
we do not share the fate of the empire
this is theirs

we coming off capitalism clock
finding the frequency of our faith
the rhythm and verse of our souls
adlibbin , reality shiftin, we livin, they livid
thrive your way through they decline

Massa’s house is falling

Fiyah Angelou is Black a queer, non-binary Afrofuturist from Detroit, MI. Fiyah is the Co-founder and Director of Healing Justice at Radical Well-Being Center, Owner, and energy behind Altar Tower Ancestral & Afrofuture Technologies, LLC. Fiyah is an Energy worker, transformation and Rootworker. Fiyah is a Certified Hypnotherapist and in general a consciousness explorer.

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