

By Thalia Skeene

You know they’re there, you have an acute sense of what the feeling means,

The clouds are back.

You feel it, you know their weight.

You see it, thick grey clouds hanging over your head,

And you know you’re the only one who can.

The clouds are dark, ominous and your first instinct is to run,

But they follow, they know where you’re going,

So eventually you let them be.

You tolerate them and for a while you think,

maybe you can live in peace,

Until it begins to rain.

Thick, droplets of water dripping down your cheeks

You wipe them off, hoping no one notices,

They don’t.

The rain begins to come more frequently,

And for a while, you don’t see the sun.

The clouds are there

You feel it, you’ve grown accustomed to their weight.

You see it, how can you not,

And you know no one else will unless you tell them.

And you do.

Our featured poet this month is Thalia Skeene. She is a junior at St. Thomas University in Miami Gardens, Florida. She began writing at the age of nine and developed such a love for it that along with a psychology degree, she is also working towards an English minor.


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