How To Drown

How to drown.png

By Thalia Skeene

It takes ten minutes to die through the submersion in and inhalation of water. 

Ten minutes of water entering your larynx and filling your body like glass.

Ten minutes of respiratory impairment. 

Ten minutes of your silent death because you are alone in your struggle and the lifeboat won’t pull you out now.

Last month, it took twenty seconds for you to decide whether or not you wanted to talk to your estranged mother who’s been calling you for updates on your wedding; the same wedding she’s not invited to because of the money she stole. 

Today, it only takes twenty seconds for your mouth to form an ‘o’ shape from shock as you begin to realize what’s happening.

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Our featured poet this month is Thalia Skeene. She is a junior at St. Thomas University in Miami Gardens, Florida. She began writing at the age of nine and developed such a love for it that along with a psychology degree, she is also working towards an English minor. 

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