Fear for Four Years

Photo by Shaun Griswold Via Sourcenm

Isn't it ironic that for each Presidential election over the past few decades, Democrats have taken the opportunity to stress that there is "so much on the line" to their base? Isn't it even more ironic that when in office, the issues that are so pertinent before the election is decided seem to "dwindle" once it's over? And without any hesitation or simulation, "issues" are expected to turn into votes. The liberal political blueprint has gone from "Vote Blue No Matter Who" and morphed into "Fear for Four Years."  

For each Presidential election, there seems to be some extremist (whether right or left) view that there is an agenda to bring a specific ideology into focus, whether legally, socially, etc. During the last few Presidential elections, the "extremists" have been conservatives, whether it be the Tea Party or MAGA supporters. For many liberal voters, there is a comfort that comes with the narrative of the right being the party of extremists; something is calming and peaceful about knowing that the political party that one affiliates with is the one of reason and rationale. But, as it stands today, there is nothing more sinister than supporting a President who is pro-genocide. What do liberals do when they're the most irrational and heartless in the middle of an election?

This is independent of conservatives believing that the MAGA way is the better way. Yet, there is too much comfort put into modern-day Republicans being irrational that it somehow glosses over the baselessness of liberals to put their faith in Biden.  

We Don't Give A Fuck About Who Trump Is Sleeping With

Every socially liberal outlet and platform is shining its light on Trump’s trial that is centered around hush money regarding Stormy Daniels and former attorney, Micahel Cohen. And while the focus is being shifted to who Trump has fucked, the conversation needs to be focused on who Biden is fucking over. We must recognize that scandals come in many shapes and sizes, and treating them all the same is a sly tactic to silence victims, absolve the guilty, and captivate the gullible. Sexual scandals, in particular, seem to serve any and every purpose. The subject of sex remains a powerful taboo, highlighting once more the immaturity and manipulability of our society, which loses its composure and ability to discern, reason, and decide at the mere whisper of the word "sex." 

"Why are Americans more concerned about who Trump is having sex with rather than how many innocent people Biden is killing?" We don't give two shits about who slept with Trump and who is thinking about sleeping with him. We care about those whose stories are been erased due to genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Trump has become a figure that white liberals have felt comfortable placing any racist, sexist, homophobic foreboding that they have onto. There is a target that individuals who aren't candid about how they feel and why they feel that way can potentially shift blame simply because they're open about where they stand. And because of this, white liberals are inclined to utilize this as a form of exploitation in efforts to pursue a favorable vote. And they achieve this through fear; fear secures a vote for four years. 

Let's Give More Fucks About Holding Biden and Liberals Accountable

There's no honor in making fun of Trump's sexual escapades while glossing over the genocide Biden is supporting. There's no significance in following a "hush money" case when white liberals are attempting to hush what's going on in Gaza. And there is no amount of bits The Daily Show can do to make Trump's indiscretions more severe than Biden's war crimes in Palestine. And whereas narrative is essential, Americans have to answer the question of why they give more fucks aren't reserved for holding Biden accountable. Through this, Americans will hopefully see that accountability has less to do with frustration and more to do with comparison and contrast.  

What is different about politicians who have the same agenda? Their agendas are presented differently, and this also has to do with who the audience is at a given time. And to be honest, the average American is aware of the similarities despite partisan politics. Yet, the most devout position an individual can play into their base is blindly following despite knowing the resemblance of the system they fight so tirelessly against. Despite the demand for press coverage around Trump and his colorful mischief, America does itself a disservice in the long run. We don’t believe America has the space to give two shits about Trump’s trial coverage while the fact remains that the abominations that are happening in Rafah haven’t crossed Biden’s red line.   

There is enough for Americans to be concerned with regarding the Presidential election and their investment in the party they decide to support. Americans should be more outraged with the fact that there was a failure to codify abortion rights or a failed student loan forgiveness plan rather than Trump's sexual relationships. But, most importantly, why do these facts hold more weight than the things that matter? The reality is that American liberals are more willing to vote collectively if there is an individual who assumes the position of the very system that they, too, benefit from.